School and Office Hours
School begins at 8.55 a.m. and finishes at 2.55 p.m. Children need to arrive before 8.55 a.m. so that the class programme can start on time. Children should not arrive at school before 8.30 a.m. as there is no supervision and the school management can not accept responsibility for the students’ well-being before that time. The Kelly Club Before School Programme is open from 7 a.m. and after school until 6 p.m. (please contact Kelly Club for rates and bookings). Classrooms are open at 8.30 a.m. Our school office is open from 8.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. daily. An answer phone is in operation when the office is unattended. The class programme begins at 8:55 a.m. The students have a brain food break at 10 a.m. Morning tea break is 11:10 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. and lunch time runs from 1:15 p.m. until 2 p.m. The school day finishes at 2:55 p.m.
It is essential for you to contact the school by phone or e-mail or report it online before 9.15 a.m. if your child is absent through sickness or for any other reason. Please note that an answer phone message may be left if you wish to phone before 8.30 a.m. Failure to leave a message will create concern that your child has left home but has not arrived at school.
Contact Information
Whenever there is a change of address, home or business telephone, medical information or family circumstances and emergency contact details, please inform the school office (473 6077) promptly or visit Update Student Details page. Out of date information can mean that we are unable to contact you in an emergency.
At the end of each school year, stationery lists are sent home advising parents of the requirements for each class, so parents can purchase the books required for school. Children may purchase items of stationery from the school office before school each day. Although the school keeps a small stock of stationery items for emergency purchase through the year, competitive pricing is offered by local stationery companies. To add to your options, Long Bay Primary has teamed up with OfficeMax, with required stationery for each class preloaded on for easy purchase. Buying through OfficeMax MySchool earns our school rewards which can be redeemed for educational supplies or equipment for classrooms at Long Bay Primary. Please clearly mark all items with your child’s name. Pencils, pens, ruler, felt pens, coloured pencils etc. should be packed into your child’s named pencil case.
2025 Swimming
Please follow this link to access the 2025 Swimming information for Year 1 to 5 students.
Curriculum Reporting Levels
This document will help you to understand more about the New Zealand Curriculum Levels and how they relate to your child’s report
Financial Matters
The activity request covers school activities which supplement the teaching and learning programmes at Long Bay Primary School, including the cost of all class trips and activities, as well as school wide activities and performances during the year. The activity request does not include Waterwise, swimming, school camp and specialist group activities e.g. sport team costs. The school donation is voluntary. School donations are used to provide additional learning resources, such as elearning devices, additional sports equipment, science form a vital part of our school finances. Items covered include photocopying, elearning devices and software, sports gear, musical instruments, library books and additional items not covered by the Government Operations Grant. A letter is sent to parents at the beginning of the year. Families may be able to claim an income tax credit from the Inland Revenue Department in relation to donations made to the school. If you pay by the 31st March, you may be able to claim the tax credit within the same year. The activity request and donation can be paid via internet-banking to the school bank account 12-3080-0105403-00 (ASB Browns Bay). Please include your child’s name and details.
Payment through myKindo
Registration for sports, school lunches, PTA fundraising and extracurricular charges can be made via myKindo. The myKindo link can also be found here. The online shop is open 24/7 for orders and payments.
Parents need to update myKindo with their child’s new classroom number when they make their first order in the new year.
Help with using myKindo: If you are having trouble using myKindo, please click here for the tutorial. Alternately you can contact the Kindo helpdesk at On the occasions when it is necessary for money to be brought to school, please send it in a sealed envelope marked with the child’s name, teacher’s name, amount enclosed and purpose.
School Uniform
Correct school uniform is compulsory. NZ Uniforms is our uniform supplier. Sensible footwear must also be worn at all times. Please ensure all clothing is named. Donated second-hand items are available for purchase at the school office (discounted price per item). If parents have any school uniform items they wish to donate (in good, clean condition), these are much appreciated. Please leave them at the office. Thank you! Children participating in school sports teams, choir, school trips or visits are required to wear the Long Bay Primary uniform. The students are expected to wear shoes that are appropriate for activities to be undertaken, particularly physical education. You can order uniform items directly from NZ Uniforms by clicking here.
Lost Property
Large quantities of unmarked clothing accumulate in our lost property boxes every year. Teachers show lost property to the children, then unclaimed items are stored in the school ‘Lost Property Bin’ which is kept in the foyer of the hall. Children are encouraged to be responsible for their own possessions, and to look in the bin when an item is lost (parents may also check). Valuable items (like toys, electrical goods and jewellery) should not be brought to school. We cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage, and have only limited time to make enquiries when problems arise.
School Lunches – Lunch Orders and Wrapper Free
At Long Bay Primary we do not have a lunch tuck shop. On occasion we do run a sausage sizzle or pizza order day. We are encouraging all students to bring wrapper free lunches. We do offer GoDeli school lunches on Wednesday, and Pita Pit on Thursdays. Both of these lunch options can be made through an online ordering system. All lunch orders are collected by a class lunch monitor and delivered to the student’s classroom. After initially setting up an account with Ezlunch, including your child’s name and room number, orders and cancellations must be completed online before 9 am on Wednesday/Thursday latest for delivery that same day. Please click here for a copy of the menu. If you need additional help, please contact the Ezlunch helpdesk on (09) 4755287 or 0800 EZLUNCH. Alternatively, you can email their helpdesk at We take pride in our school and work hard to maintain a litter-free playground. Paper, cardboard and glass are recycled. Students are encouraged to be wrapper free, bringing lunches that do not include items in plastic wrappers. Rubbish from children’s lunch and morning tea need to be returned to their lunchbox and taken home. Please also remeber not to include any nut products in your child’s lunches (as we have students who are fatally allergic to nuts).
Emergencies and Injury
There is a Medical Room next to the office where children are able to rest when they are feeling unwell. If a child is unwell, we will telephone and ask their parent to collect them from school. All parents are asked to provide an alternative contact in case of emergency, and to inform the school of any changes in contact details.
Student Medicines at School
Occasionally it becomes necessary for children to receive medication at school. Please bring any medication to the school office, as we must have your written permission to administer any medication and we have a specific OSH form that parents must complete.
Health Issues: Allergies, no nuts or nut products at school please
Several students, spread across the school, have severe allergies to such foods as nuts and soy so we would ask all parents to cooperate with our request that no food containing nuts (especially peanuts) is sent to school. Exposure by smell as well as touch can set off an anaphylactic attack in these children. Students are told not to share their morning tea or lunch. We also ask that parents do not bring in food treats to share on children’s birthdays.
Health Issues: Headlice
Please let you child’s teacher know if you have had to treat your child for headlice. A two-page ‘Prevention and Treatment’ letter will be sent to all the students in the class.
Dental Clinic
The School Dental Clinic is available to all children from the age of two and a half years. Please phone the Dental Clinic for an appointment (479 5730). The Dental Therapists visit school once a year to check students teeth. Those who require additional attention are referred to the clinic on the Northcross Intermediate school site. For all queries and emergencies please call the above number. Auckland Regional Dental Service provides free dental services to all pre-school, primary and intermediate school children. For details of the nearest School Dental Clinic open (even during the holidays), please contact 0800 TALKTEETH (0800 825 583). A list of clinics currently open is also available online.
Public Health Nurse
On request the public health nurse nurse is available on appointment to discuss health matters with parents. Vision and hearing are also tested every six months (for new entrants or re-tests).
The school has a smoke free policy that will ensure a smoke free environment. The ban also includes vaping.
Sunhats and sunscreens
The school has a sunhat policy which requires children to wear sun hats when outside during Terms 1 and 4. Use of sunscreen is also encouraged.
Home Learning
Year 1-2 students will bring home reading material to share with their parents. This may be in the form of instructional readers, poem books and library books. As students progress, a spelling programme is introduced. Year 3-6 students are expected to continue to read regularly, learn weekly spelling words and practise their basic number facts. They may also have additional home learning based around the current topics of study. If your child is taking a very long time to do the work or is unable to do it, check with the teacher concerned. Home learning has a place in consolidating and enriching school related activities with support and encouragement of parents. By acknowledging your child’s efforts, you will be encouraging your child to achieve well.
School assemblies are held fortnightly on Friday afternoons at 2:00pm in the school hall. The assembly provides an opportunity to recognise student efforts and share student learning and school events. All family members are welcome to attend.
Library and Information Centre
All students have regular visits to the school library and are encouraged to use this facility. They may borrow up to two books at a time and may keep them for two weeks. All students need to use a book bag for transporting books. Please assist your child to care for books on loan and return books promptly. There is a charge for replacement of books damaged or lost.
Digital device use and digital citizenship is integrated into all curriculum areas to enhance student learning. A Digital Learning Responsible Use Agreement is completed by all students and parents/caregivers.