School Closed Monday 26 September – Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day
Long Bay Primary will be closed on Monday 26 September to mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
Chinese Language Week
Next week is Chinese Language Week and we are looking forward to celebrating this in a variety of different ways across the week.
Long Bay Heritage Day
Our Kapahaka group is opening the Long Bay Heritage Day at Long Bay Regional Park on Sunday 25 September at 10.00am. Everyone is welcome to watch them perform and enjoy the range of activities on offer until 2.00pm.

A reminder that it is important everyone in the car wears a seatbelt until the vehicle stops moving. Constable Fox was back this week checking vehicles have correctly restrained children (and adults) in them. He has ended his ‘education’ phase and moved into enforcement. Basically this means if you drive your car and everyone is not wearing a seatbelt you may receive a ticket.
Kids Art Works Fundraiser
This year the school is participating in the Kids Art Works fundraiser. You would have received an order form to purchase your child’s artwork. Please go to and enter the code KZ895 to view the artwork. Online orders only. Orders are open now and close Friday 30 September. Thank you in advance for supporting the fundraiser.
Contact Details Changes
If you have changed address or phone number please let the office know ASAP and we will amend our records accordingly.
School Starts at 8.55am
A reminder that classrooms open at 8.30am and school starts at 8.55am. We appreciate your assistance to get everyone here on time and ready to start their day.
Mitey Impact Report
As a proud Mitey school we value the mental health of our school family (students, staff and community). The University of Auckland have been evaluating Mitey’s impact in schools. They concluded that Mitey has the potential to radically transform mental health education in Aotearoa.
It is incredibly satisfying to know that Mitey is making significant impact with ākonga, who are demonstrating meaningful progression in learning how to recognise and respond to their own and others’ mental wellbeing.
The Mitey Impact Report makes for interesting reading.
Kia Manawaroa
Kia Manawaroa is the Ministry of Education’s pānui for whānau Māori.
It is written by Māori for Māori, with information about opportunities and milestones in education, Māori success as Māori, Te Reo Māori, and COVID-19 updates relevant to whānau as and when appropriate.
Kia Manawaroa 9 September 2022
The latest issue has updates about:
- Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2022 activities and events
- He Toa Reo Māori, 50 years on: Te Petihana Reo Māori Anniversary Event
- Ākonga learn resilience through the art of Mau Rākau
- New scholarships available for kōhanga reo tohu
- Te Reo Ki Tua Language Revitalisation Symposium 2022
- And more…
Fun Run 2022
What a fantastic day we had yesterday. We raised $19,837.50 as a community that will go a long way to help us implement our learning through play and structured literacy plans. A huge shout out to the PTA and helpers for making over 500 hot chocolates for the students. Thanks to Nikki Douglas for pulling it all together and John Underwood for all his hard work setting things up and helping out. Thanks also to New World Long Bay – Marcus, Ally and the team for supporting our school donating all the hot chocolate ingredients. We would also like to give a special mention to Susan Kinghorn – Harcourts Cooper & Co Real Estate for the coffee truck for parents. Finally we were blown away by the wonderful families who came to watch and support us.