Term 4, Week 1 – Friday 13 October 2023
Kia ora Parents/Caregivers
I have always enjoyed watching Bathurst. Last weekend was no exception. There is a possibility that some people find watching cars go round and round and round a track 161 times up and down a mountain slightly boring. I am not one of them.
Term 4 can be compared with an endurance event like this. Everyone comes back to school refreshed and ready for action and 10 weeks seems like a long time – especially when you start writing down what needs to be done (as we did during the break). Two brand new camps, assessment tasks, report writing, checking and proofing, numerous outdoor events, the end of the year celebrations and of course the water slide. However it always goes past in a flash with little time to gather your breath. I think the change in weather, thoughts about potential Christmas presents and opportunities to do more things outside always tend to inspire and enthuse our students during this time.
It will be busy, it will be enjoyable and fun however we also will continue our academic programme. This is the time of the year where teachers get a dopamine hit when they look back at what their students could do at the start of the year compared with what they can do now. What was three sentences of writing in March is now a whole page, a far better grasp of mathematical concepts or a vast number of sounds and how they go together. It is the time where the fruits of hard work, dedication and effort are most rewarding.
Just like Bathurst in no time we will be done and the school will fall silent for a few weeks while we recharge our batteries again before 2024. Some of our students will move on and other excited new faces will appear at the windows. It is a marathon that feels like a sprint and we are ready.
Speaking of endurance events a massive shout out to Mike Heard one of our parents who spent 24 hours bungy jumping off the Auckland Harbour Bridge this week in a quest to regain his world record. Smash it he did with 941 successful jumps in 24 hours. As someone who has not, has no desire to, and will not be attempting even one jump, I can only stand in awe of this achievement. Even more so that Mike is raising money to support Mental Health in New Zealand. Should you wish to check out his fundraising page you can find it here.
Rob Hutton Tumuaki/Principal
2023 Term Dates and What’s On
Year 6 Camp on Kawau Island
PTA Meeting in the staffroom, 7.00pm
Labour Day Public Holiday – school closed
Mihi Whakatau Assembly, 2.00pm in the hall. All welcome
PTA Quiz Night in the hall, 7.00pm
Board of Trustees Meeting, 6.30pm in the Staffroom. All welcome
Monday 9 October – Thursday 14 December
Teacher Only Day – Monday 13 November
A warm welcome to our new students who have started at Long Bay Primary since our last Newsletter:
Jason, Naira, Louis, Patrick, William, George, Esme, Averie, Poppy, Victoria and Benji
Important School Reminders – Please Read
If your child/children are going to be absent from school, then you must let the Office and class teacher know.
Absences can be reported by calling the school on 09 473 6077, select option 1. Emailing the class teacher and admin@longbayprimary.ac.nz or through the school website ‘Report an Absence’.
All absences from school must have a reason so your child/children can be coded accordingly on their student record. Thank you for your co-operation.
Contact Details
If your personal contact or emergency contact details need updating, please email admin@longbayprimary.ac.nz It is very important that we have correct details on our student records.
If you have a child turning 5 in the near future, please can you complete an online enrolment application form as soon as possible. This is to assist us with classroom planning. For all enrolments enquiries, please email enrolments@longbayprimary.ac.nz
As staff we are currently working on classes for 2024. This is a complicated process involving finding the teachers that suit each year level the best. Then we consider the type of teacher each student responds to most effectively, along with which peers the students work well with and the list goes on and on.
We have asked the students who they get along with and have already collected this information from them. If you have any additional information about your child/children that will help us with this process, please send it to info@longbayprimary.ac.nz with your child’s name and 2023 class in the subject line. We will then take this into account as well, or contact you if necessary.
Please do not send in a list of the teachers you do and do not want along with a list of 15 children you would like in the class and 10 you would not. We are interested in information about your child that we may not be aware of that will help us as part of this process. We tried to think of other tactful or politically correct ways of saying this, nothing sprang to mind, sometimes being direct is most effective. Thanks for your help as part of this process. Please note that this is not compulsory, it is available if you have something valuable to add to the process.
As we mentioned earlier in the week there have been several instances of Chickenpox in the community. If there is an instance where a student in your child’s class contracts this disease we will let you know. Unfortunately patients are contagious in the two days before the spots appear and do not know they have it until it is too late.
Chickenpox can spread between people who are in close contact with one another such as family members or classmates.
Te Whatu Ora have indicated for parents of the affected year level to watch out for symptoms and monitor their child if they are immune compromised. This Ministry of Health link outlines specific details regarding chicken pox for your information.
We are not the only school in the local area to be experiencing this current outbreak.
Glenvar Road Reopening – Saturday 14 October
Glenvar Road will be reopening tomorrow to traffic (which is ahead of schedule). Part of the road between East Coast Road and Fitzwilliam Drive was damaged during the Auckland Anniversary Weekend. It was closed after geotechnical experts advised further slips could put property and lives at risk. It was a complex repair but the road is now safer and more resilient to future weather events. The top end is wider than before, has 300m of kerb and channel, improved drainage, fences, a new safety barrier and a new footpath on the south side. This will be great news for our Okura Bus students and the rest of us to be fair. Great work Auckland Transport!
Auckland Regional Dental Service Information
The Auckland Regional Dental Service provides free dental examinations, oral health education, x-rays and treatment to all eligible children from birth up until they are 18. It is your responsibility to enrol your child/children in their service. If you have not done so already please enrol using this form. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child’s teeth, or wish to update your contact details please call 09 839 0565 or visit www.ards.co.nz
Year 5 Camp Payment Information
Year 5 Camp at Kiwanis Lodge and Huia Lodge in the Waitakere Ranges on 15-17 November. Payment options are now available on Kindo for camp.
On Tuesday the Year 4 to 6 students were inspired by a talk from Megan Hull, a NZ Black Sticks Hockey player who is an Olympic Ambassador. She spoke about her personal journey to the Olympics, about the Olympic values of Friendship, Respect and Excellence, and encouraged all of us to do our very best and have fun on the way.
Congratulations to the following Year 6 students who have participated in this year’s University of Otago problem challenge. These problems are designed for intermediate students so our Year 6 participants have done extremely well to be involved.
Participation – Katherine R13, Kate R23, Binhe R14, Emily R25, Austen R16, Summer R25, Scarlett R25, Benji R25. Merit – Scott R24, Jayden R16, Jase R15, Elsa R15, Scott R13, Ray R23, Matt R14, Ayla R14. Excellence – Oscar R24, Torsten R23, Cynthia R14.
After a hard fought competition spanning 10 long weeks last term, 56 students battled it out at the annual Chess Tournament. Congratulations to our two Year 4 students who made the final, with Charlie in Room 11 being crowned chess champion for the second year in a row! Thanks to all the students who participated and we look forward to next year’s Chess Tournament.
This term, our Room 5 students are diving into the world of ‘growth and change’ in science class. They are making drawings to show how seeds grow into plants, and we’re discovering how seeds become trees and veggies. We’re even having fun baking with seeds!
Sports Buzz – Term 4, Week 1
Senior and Junior Athletics Days The Senior school Athletics Day (8 to 10+ year olds) will be held on Wednesday 8 November and will run from 9.00am until approximately 2.30pm.
The Junior school Athletics Day (5-7 year olds) is scheduled for Wednesday 1 November and will run from 9.00 am until approximately 12.45pm.
We will need parent assistance on the finish line of the running races for both events. Please contact Nikki Douglas – nikkid@longbayprimary.ac.nz if you are able to help.
Yummy School Stickers Earn FREE sports gear for the school by collecting Yummy Stickers – sheets are available from the Office. Collect your stickers, add them to the sheet and happy munching!
Tickets for Long Bay Primary Quiz Night are now on sale on MyKindo. Book a whole table for $160 or an individual ticket for $20. There are loads of great prizes on the night.
Join the Friends of the PTA Whatsapp group to get involved, where you are able, in making our school even more amazing. We will post info and opportunities on the group for parents to assist the PTA with any fundraising or events. Join the group by scanning the QR code or use this link.
If you would like to join the PTA Committee, please email us at longbayprimaryPTA@gmail.com. The commitment is 2 x one hour meetings per term to plan for fundraising, as well as helping out at events where possible. The committee is a great group of parents, who are very welcoming and committed to supporting our school. We are especially looking for a secretary to join our team, assisting with minutes and agendas for meetings.
Bricks4Kidz has returned for Term 4 after school in the Library, commencing on Monday 16 October. The last session will be on Monday 11 December.
Please contact Bricks4Kidz directly to register your child/children.
Community Notices and Events